Which arguments were made by Anti-Federalists during the debates over ratification of the U.S. Constitution?

Select THREE correct answers.

Question 1 options:

A Bill of Rights is unnecessary. We could not possibly list all the rights people have.

A strong central government is needed to maintain order.

Power should remain with the states as in the Articles of Confederation.

States may have some powers, but the central government must be supreme.

Giving too much power to a central government will lead to tyranny.

A Bill of Rights is needed to protect people from the abuses of government.

A strong central government is needed to maintain order.

Power should remain with the states as in the Articles of Confederation.

Giving too much power to a central government will lead to tyranny.

Which historic document had the greatest influence on the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution?

Question 2 options:

The English Bill of Rights

The Mayflower Compact

The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

The Articles of Confederation

The English Bill of Rights