A typical annual pay of a full-time management position in Fort Worth, Texas, is

$121,991. The living hourly wage of 1 adult with 3 children in the area is
$53.30. How much higher is the equivalent hourly wage than the living hourly
wage? Round the answer to 2 decimal places. (1 point)

To find the equivalent hourly wage, we divide the annual salary by the number of hours worked in a year.

The number of hours worked in a year is typically 40 hours per week multiplied by 52 weeks, which equals 2,080 hours.
The equivalent hourly wage is then $121,991 / 2,080 = $58.65.
To find the difference between the equivalent hourly wage and the living hourly wage, we subtract the living hourly wage from the equivalent hourly wage.
$58.65 - $53.30 = $5.35.
Therefore, the equivalent hourly wage is $5.35 higher than the living hourly wage.
So the rounded answer is $5.35.