What were william mckinleys strengths while in office?

William McKinley had several strengths during his time in office:

1. Strong leadership: McKinley was known for his strong and decisive leadership style. He had a keen ability to make tough decisions and take immediate action when necessary.

2. Economic policies: McKinley's presidency coincided with a period of economic growth and prosperity known as the "McKinley Prosperity." He maintained a pro-business stance, supported protective tariffs, and implemented policies that promoted economic expansion and industrial development.

3. Foreign policy: McKinley was skilled in managing international affairs. He successfully resolved the crisis with Spain over the Cuban War of Independence, leading to the Spanish-American War and ultimately the acquisition of territories like Puerto Rico and the Philippines.

4. Expansion of the United States: Under McKinley's presidency, the United States expanded its territorial boundaries significantly. The acquisition of territories such as Hawaii and the Philippines added to the strategic and economic interests of the country.

5. Electoral popularity: McKinley was able to secure two consecutive terms as President, indicating his popularity among voters. He had a strong ability to connect with the public and employ effective campaign strategies.

6. Modernization of the military: McKinley recognized the need for a modern and efficient military. He supported the expansion and modernization of the Navy, which played a crucial role in the Spanish-American War.

7. Support for gold standard: McKinley was a strong advocate for the gold standard, believing it to be essential for maintaining a stable economy. His support for this monetary policy earned him the backing of various business interests.

8. Good public speaker: McKinley was known for his impressive oratory skills. He had the ability to captivate audiences with his speeches, which helped rally support for his policies and ideas.

Overall, William McKinley's strengths during his presidency lie in his leadership abilities, economic policies, foreign policy strategies, expansion of the United States, electoral popularity, military modernization, support for the gold standard, and his skills as a public speaker.