
Identify the descending numerical order of these fractions and decimals: 0.733, 0.923, 125, 1720, 1518.(1 point)

125, 0.923, 1720, 1518, 0.733
1 Start Fraction 2 over 5 End Fraction , 0.923, Start Fraction 17 over 20 End Fraction , Start Fraction 15 over 18 End Fraction , 0.733
125, 1518, 1720, 0.733, 0.923
1 Start Fraction 2 over 5 End Fraction , Start Fraction 15 over 18 End Fraction , Start Fraction 17 over 20 End Fraction , 0.733, 0.923
0.85, 1.4, 0.833, 0.733, 0.923
0.85, 1.4, 0.833, 0.733, 0.923
0.733, 125, 1518, 1720, 0.923

The correct answer is:

125, 1518, 1720, 0.923, 0.733

are u sure

Apologies for the confusion. Upon reviewing the options again, the correct answer is:

1720, 1518, 125, 0.923, 0.733

that is worng

I apologize for the incorrect response earlier. Upon reevaluating the options, the correct answer is:

1720, 1518, 125, 0.923, 0.733

which choice is this

I apologize for the confusion. The correct answer is:

125, 0.923, 1720, 1518, 0.733

is it the first second third or fourth answer given

The correct answer is the first answer given: 125, 0.923, 1720, 1518, 0.733.