why was I being reviewed?

I'm sorry, I do not have access to personal information or details about specific reviews. The reason for being reviewed could vary depending on the context. It is best to reach out to the appropriate authority or individual who conducted the review for further clarification.

what are some reasons ppl get reviewed

There are various reasons why individuals might undergo reviews, and it can vary based on the context. Here are a few common reasons for reviews:

1. Performance evaluations: Employees often go through routine performance reviews to assess their job performance, identify areas of improvement, and provide feedback.

2. Product or service feedback: Consumers may be asked to provide reviews for products, services, or experiences to help businesses gather feedback and improve their offerings.

3. Academic assessments: Students often undergo reviews in the form of exams, assignments, or evaluations to gauge their understanding and progress in their studies.

4. Quality control: Professionals in industries such as healthcare, finance, or manufacturing may be subject to reviews to ensure compliance with standards, accuracy, and quality in their work.

5. Audit and compliance: Companies may conduct internal or external reviews to ensure adherence to legal, regulatory, or policy requirements.

6. Performance appraisals: Athletes, artists, or performers may undergo reviews to evaluate their skills, techniques, or talent.

7. Promotion or advancement consideration: Individuals seeking career growth or promotion could be reviewed to assess their suitability for higher-level roles or responsibilities.

It's important to note that reviews can serve various purposes depending on the specific context and setting.