Which features of Mycenaean civilization came from the Minoans?

their alphabet and system of writing
their use of an army to conquer nearby peoples
their building of settlements on the Greek mainland
their religious beliefs and practices

One feature of Mycenaean civilization that came from the Minoans was their building of settlements on the Greek mainland. The Minoans had established colonies and outposts on the mainland, and the Mycenaeans continued this practice, expanding their influence and control over the region.

However, the other features mentioned, such as their alphabet and system of writing, their use of an army to conquer nearby peoples, and their religious beliefs and practices, were not directly inherited from the Minoans. The Mycenaeans developed their own form of writing, known as Linear B, which was distinct from the writing system used by the Minoans (Linear A). The Mycenaeans did have an army and engaged in warfare, but this was a common feature among ancient civilizations, and it is not specifically attributed to the Minoans. Similarly, while the Mycenaeans likely encountered and were influenced by Minoan religious beliefs and practices, they also incorporated elements from their own likely Indo-European origins.