which of the following was the main reason Spain agreed so readily to sell Florida to the United States

The main reason Spain agreed so readily to sell Florida to the United States was a combination of political and economic factors. However, the main reason is:

1. Political Pressure: Spain was facing international political pressure in the early 19th century. The United States, with its growing influence and military power, had expressed interest in acquiring Florida for years. Spain feared possible conflicts with the United States and was concerned about its ability to defend the territory. Additionally, Spain was preoccupied with various struggles and conflicts elsewhere in its empire.

2. Economic Strain: Florida was becoming increasingly costly for Spain to maintain and defend. The Spanish government was struggling financially, and maintaining control over Florida was deemed as a significant drain on their resources. By selling Florida to the United States, Spain could alleviate some of the financial burdens associated with the territory.

Combining these factors, Spain agreed to sell Florida to the United States in the Adams-OnĂ­s Treaty of 1819. The United States paid Spain $5 million in exchange for Florida and renounced its claims to Texas, clearing the way for Spanish withdrawal from the region.