Which of the following statements is false regarding possible cross sections when slicing a right square pyramid

A) A slice parallel to the base yields a square

B) A slice perpendicular to the base yields a square.

C) A slice perpendicular to the base yields a triangle.

D) A nonperpendicular slice intersecting the base and through the vertex yields a triangle.

The false statement is C) A slice perpendicular to the base yields a triangle.

A slice perpendicular to the base would yield a polygon with the shape of the base, which is a square in the case of a right square pyramid.

is that correct?

I apologize for the confusion. You are correct, and I made a mistake in my previous response.

The false statement is B) A slice perpendicular to the base yields a square.

A slice perpendicular to the base would yield a shape that is not necessarily a square but could be any polygon or shape depending on the orientation and angle of the slice.