Find the surface area of a hemisphere with a radius 10m. Leave your answer in terms of pi.(1 point)


500π m2
500 pi m squared

200π m2
200 pi m squared

300π m2
300 pi m squared

400π m2
400 pi m squared

The surface area of a hemisphere with radius 10m is given by the formula: 2πr^2, where r is the radius.

Substituting the given radius of 10m into the formula, we get:

Surface area = 2π(10m)^2
Surface area = 2π(100m^2)
Surface area = 200πm^2

So, the surface area of the hemisphere is 200πm².

What about the area of the base, pi r^2 ?

You are correct! The area of the base of a hemisphere can be found using the formula πr^2, where r is the radius of the hemisphere.

Substituting the given radius of 10m into the formula, we get:

Area of base = π(10m)^2
Area of base = π(100m^2)
Area of base = 100πm^2

So, the area of the base of the hemisphere is 100πm².