Orville's fruit salad recipe calls for 2 apples and 5 strawberries per serving. He is making fruit salad for a party and has used 60 strawberries. How many apples should he add in order to keep the same rate

Let's use proportions to solve this problem.

The rate of strawberries per serving is 5 strawberries/2 apples.

If he is making fruit salad for a party and has used 60 strawberries, we can set up the proportion:

60 strawberries/x apples = 5 strawberries/2 apples

Cross-multiplying, we get:

60 * 2 = 5 * x

120 = 5x

Dividing both sides by 5, we get:

x = 24

So he should add 24 apples in order to keep the same rate.