Aniya is solving the equation 9n+7=-56. One of her steps is to divide both sides of the equation by 9. Why?

A. Dividing both sides by 9 undoes the multiplication of n by 9 in the original problem.
B. Dividing both sides by 9 undoes the subtraction in the original problem.
C. Dividing both sides by 9 undoes the addition in the original problem.
D. The negative sign in -56 must be changed to positive.
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To solve the equation 9n + 7 = -56, Aniya needs to isolate the variable n.

The first step is to undo the addition of 7 on the left side of the equation. To do this, Aniya needs to subtract 7 from both sides:

9n + 7 - 7 = -56 - 7

Simplifying both sides gives:

9n = -63

Now, to isolate the variable n, Aniya needs to undo the multiplication of n by 9 on the left side of the equation. To do this, Aniya needs to divide both sides by 9:

(9n)/9 = (-63)/9

Simplifying both sides gives:

n = -7

Therefore, the correct answer is A. Dividing both sides by 9 undoes the multiplication of n by 9 in the original problem.