
Richard is a common English given name, originating from the Germanic name "Ricohard" which means "brave ruler" or "strong ruler". It has various forms and variations in different cultures and languages. Richard is a masculine name and is often shortened to "Rich" or "Rick".

Famous individuals named Richard include:

- Richard Nixon: 37th President of the United States
- Richard Branson: British entrepreneur, founder of Virgin Group
- Richard Feynman: American physicist and Nobel laureate
- Richard Wagner: German composer known for his operas
- Richard Burton: Welsh actor and husband of Elizabeth Taylor
- Richard Dawkins: British evolutionary biologist and author
- Richard Pryor: American stand-up comedian and actor
- Richard Gere: American actor and humanitarian
- Richard Wright: American author and one of the founders of the Harlem Renaissance
- Richard Madden: Scottish actor, best known for his role in Game of Thrones.