list 3 or more details about the louisiana purchase

1. The Louisiana Purchase occurred in 1803 when the United States acquired over 828,000 square miles of territory from France, doubling the size of the country at the time. The area covered much of the central part of present-day United States, including the entire territory of 15 present-day states.

2. The purchase was negotiated by President Thomas Jefferson and his administration. France initially offered the United States the city of New Orleans and its surrounding area, but Jefferson saw the opportunity to secure much more land for future American expansion. The final purchase price was $15 million, which amounted to roughly 3 cents per acre.

3. The acquisition greatly contributed to westward expansion and the eventual development of the United States as a transcontinental nation. The newly acquired territory opened up vast opportunities for settlement, trade, and access to key waterways like the Mississippi River. It also provided valuable resources such as fertile agricultural land and mineral deposits, leading to economic growth. Additionally, the Louisiana Purchase set a precedent for future territorial acquisitions by the United States, such as the annexation of Texas and the Oregon Territory.