The NCG theater offers a special movie showing every Sunday morning. The theater can hold a maximum 200 people, and tickets are $5 each. The function P(t) represents the theater's revenue, in dollars, for selling t tickets.

What is the domain of P(t)?

all whole numbers between 0 and 5

all real numbers

all real numbers between 0 and 200

all whole numbers between 0 and 200

The domain of P(t) represents the possible values that t can take for the revenue function P(t) to be defined. In this case, t represents the number of tickets sold.

Since the theater can hold a maximum of 200 people and the question does not specify any minimum value for t, the domain of P(t) is all whole numbers between 0 and 200, inclusive.

Therefore, the correct answer is option D: all whole numbers between 0 and 200.