A home repair company charges a flat fee of $125 plus an additional $35 for each hour, h, a home repair job takes. The company expects to make at least $500 for one such home repair job.

Which inequality gives all the possible numbers of hours, rounded to the nearest tenth, the company expects the job to take so that the company makes at least $500?

h < 10.7

h > 10.7

h < 17.9

h > 17.9

The total cost for the home repair job can be represented by the equation C = 125 + 35h, where C is the total cost and h is the number of hours. The company expects to make at least $500, so we can set up the inequality 125 + 35h ≥ 500.

Simplifying this inequality, we have 35h ≥ 375.

Dividing both sides of the inequality by 35, we get h ≥ 10.7.

Rounded to the nearest tenth, h is greater than or equal to 10.7.

Therefore, the correct inequality is h > 10.7.

So the answer is option B: h > 10.7.