based on your knowledge of the role of women in the roman rebpublic provide evidence to prove the authors claim that the postion of roman women was different from that of greek.

In the Roman Republic, the role of women was indeed different from that of women in ancient Greece. Some key pieces of evidence supporting this claim include the following:

1. Legal and property rights: Roman women had more legal and property rights compared to Greek women. While Greek women were generally excluded from owning property, Roman women could own property, inherit, and engage in business transactions independently. They had the legal right to buy, sell, and manage property, which was not readily available to Greek women.

2. Education and intellectual pursuits: Roman women had better opportunities for education and intellectual pursuits compared to their Greek counterparts. While Greek women were primarily confined to domestic roles and had limited access to education, Roman women had access to education and could engage in various intellectual activities. Some women even pursued careers as teachers or philosophers and were involved in literary and artistic endeavors.

3. Social and public roles: Roman women had more freedom and participation in public life and social activities compared to Greek women. While Greek women were secluded in their homes and had limited access to public spaces, Roman women were often seen in public life, attending public events, visiting temples, and even participating in political discussions within their social circles.

4. Marital rights and divorce: In ancient Rome, women had the ability to divorce their husbands and had more control over their marital rights compared to Greek women. Roman women had the right to end a marriage through divorce, and the law protected their rights to property acquired during the marriage. Greek women, on the other hand, had limited rights in divorce and often required their husband's consent or intervention from male relatives to dissolve a marriage.

5. Involvement in religious and social ceremonies: Roman women participated in religious and social ceremonies more openly and independently compared to Greek women. In Roman society, women had the freedom to visit temples, make offerings, and participate in religious rituals. They were also active participants in social gatherings and celebrations, playing significant roles during religious festivals and public events.

Overall, these pieces of evidence highlight the distinct position of women in Roman society compared to that of ancient Greece. Roman women enjoyed more legal and property rights, had access to education, participated in public life, had greater control over their marital rights, and played active roles in religious and social ceremonies.