While investigating the impact of Eurasian diseases in the Americas, which of the following would a historian have a difficult time determining?(1 point)


the percentage of deaths
the percentage of deaths

the types of disease
the types of disease

the connection between disease and Spanish conquest
the connection between disease and Spanish conquest

the impact of smallpox on the body

the impact of smallpox on the body

Which of the following best describes the impact Eurasian diseases had on the New World populations?(1 point)


Eurasian diseases weakened the major Indigenous empires’ armies.
Eurasian diseases weakened the major Indigenous empires’ armies.

Eurasian diseases disproportionately killed women.
Eurasian diseases disproportionately killed women.

Eurasian diseases killed only the elderly.
Eurasian diseases killed only the elderly.

Eurasian diseases weakened both Spanish and Indigenous soldiers.

Eurasian diseases weakened both Spanish and Indigenous soldiers.

In an archaeological investigation of modern-day Mexico City, which of the following could archaeologists possibly discover?(1 point)


remnants of temples from Tenochtitlán
remnants of temples from Tenochtitlán

the Coricancha
the Coricancha

colonial Catholic churches
colonial Catholic churches

Machu Picchu
Machu Picchu

remnants of temples from Tenochtitlán, colonial Catholic churches


The Spanish expanded upon which traditional Incan tribute system?(1 point)

the Incan road system
the Incan road system

the mita system
the mita system

the religious system
the religious system

the hacienda system

the mita system

Which of the following best explains the widespread decline in Indigenous populations after the arrival of Spanish conquistadors?(1 point)


inability to connect with global markets
inability to connect with global markets

disease and environmental changes
disease and environmental changes

natural disasters
natural disasters

fighting and lack of guns

disease and environmental changes