The beachside shown in the image is often damaged by

. This includes chemical use, natural resources consumption, the introduction of non-native species, and greenhouse gas production. To help combat these negative effects, many people work in
to limit harm caused to the ocean. Many areas enact limits on
that is allowed to enter the ocean to prevent chemical damage. Many areas set limits on
to help prevent the over consumption of organisms being pulled out of the ocean. Many areas make it illegal to
to prevent them from becoming invasive species. All of these are way to help keep the Earth's largest resource clean and usable for generations to come.

The beachside shown in the image is often damaged by human activities. This includes chemical use, natural resources consumption, the introduction of non-native species, and greenhouse gas production. To help combat these negative effects, many people work in environmental conservation to limit harm caused to the ocean. Many areas enact limits on chemical waste that is allowed to enter the ocean to prevent chemical damage. Many areas set limits on commercial fishing to help prevent the overconsumption of organisms being pulled out of the ocean. Many areas make it illegal to release non-native species to prevent them from becoming invasive species. All of these are ways to help keep the Earth's largest resource clean and usable for generations to come.