58 pound of scrambled eggs needs to be divided equally among 5 plates. How much scrambled eggs does each plate get?

its 1/8 pounds the bot dumb asf

To find out how much scrambled eggs each plate gets, you need to divide the total amount of scrambled eggs by the number of plates.

58 pounds / 5 plates = 11.6 pounds

Each plate gets 11.6 pounds of scrambled eggs.

make ur answer a fraction

To express the answer as a fraction, we can write it as:

11.6 pounds = 11 6/10 pounds = 11 3/5 pounds

So, each plate gets 11 3/5 pounds of scrambled eggs.


To simplify the fraction, 11 3/5, we can first convert the whole number part to a fraction:

11 = 11/1

Then, we need to find a common denominator for 5 and 1, which is 5. We can write 1 as 5/5:

11/1 = 11/1 * 5/5 = 55/5

Now, we can add the fractions:

55/5 + 3/5 = (55 + 3)/5 = 58/5

Therefore, the simplified fraction is 58/5. Each plate gets 58/5 pounds of scrambled eggs.

5/8 pounds of scrambled eggs need to be divided equally among 5 plates. How many scrambled eggs does each plate get?

To find out how much scrambled eggs each plate gets, you need to divide the total amount of scrambled eggs by the number of plates.

5/8 pounds / 5 plates = (5/8) / 5 = (5/8) * (1/5) = 5/40

To simplify the fraction, we can divide the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 5:

5/40 = (5/5)/(40/5) = 1/8

So, each plate gets 1/8 pounds of scrambled eggs.