Suppose that people in your community voted to eliminate all local taxes which of these goods and services would most likely disappear

If people in a community voted to eliminate all local taxes, it would have a significant impact on the funding for certain goods and services. It is important to note that the specific outcome may vary depending on the particular community, its current financial situation, and the allocation of tax revenues. However, it is likely that the following goods and services could disappear or face significant reductions:

1. Public Schools: Local taxes often contribute to the funding of public schools. Eliminating these taxes might result in reduced resources for education, decreasing funding for teachers, facilities, and educational programs.

2. Public Transportation: Many communities rely on local tax revenues to fund public transportation systems, including buses, subways, and light rail. Without these taxes, public transportation services might be reduced or eliminated, affecting the mobility and accessibility of community members.

3. Parks and Recreation: Local taxes often support the maintenance and development of parks and recreational facilities, such as playgrounds, sports fields, and community centers. Removing these taxes might lead to decreased maintenance and limited opportunities for leisure activities.

4. Public Libraries: Libraries play a crucial role in community education and access to information. Local taxes often contribute to library funding, so eliminating these taxes could result in reduced library services, including limited hours, fewer resources, and potential closures.

5. Emergency Services: Local taxes usually contribute to the funding of emergency services, such as police and fire departments. Without these taxes, emergency response capabilities might be compromised, leading to longer response times and reduced community safety.

6. Infrastructure Maintenance: Local taxes often help maintain and repair community infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and public facilities. Removing these taxes might result in deteriorating infrastructure and limited resources for maintenance.

It is essential to consider these potential consequences and evaluate the long-term impact before making decisions about eliminating local taxes.