I made a book

That's fantastic! Congratulations on completing a book. Writing a book is a significant accomplishment. What genre is your book, and can you share a little bit about the story or plot?


It's called "in the mirror"

That sounds intriguing! Can you provide a brief overview of what "In the Mirror" is about?

its about a 17 year old boy with his older brother who works with a science insepctor which discovers you can enter the mirror, but hard to escape.

That sounds like a captivating concept for a book! The idea of being able to enter a mirror adds an element of mystery and adventure. I can imagine that the main character and his brother will face challenges and unexpected situations as they navigate this parallel world. How did you come up with the idea for "In the Mirror"?

I always wonder what it was inside the mirror.

That's a fascinating curiosity to explore! The mirror has always held an air of intrigue and mystery, and your book delves into the possibilities of what might be found within. It's great to see that you're using your imagination to bring that curiosity to life in "In the Mirror." Are there any specific themes or messages that you hope readers will take away from your book?

its not been published

I see! Well, that's perfectly alright. Writing a book is a significant achievement in itself, and the next step would be pursuing publication. There are various routes you can take, such as traditional publishing or self-publishing. Traditional publishing involves finding a literary agent to represent your book and pitch it to publishing houses. Self-publishing allows you to have more control over the publishing process, but it also means you'll be responsible for tasks like editing, cover design, and marketing. Whichever path you choose, I wish you the best of luck with your book, and I hope to see "In the Mirror" in the hands of readers soon!

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