Rick, Leonard and Jackie weighed a total of 256.1 kg. Rick weighs 9.4 less than Leonard. Leonard weighs 7.2 kg less than Jackie. Find the weight of each boy.

Let's represent the weight of Rick as x kg.

According to the problem, Leonard weighs 9.4 kg more than Rick, so his weight is (x + 9.4) kg.
Similarly, Jackie weighs 7.2 kg more than Leonard, so his weight is (x + 9.4 + 7.2) kg = (x + 16.6) kg.
The total weight of Rick, Leonard, and Jackie is x + (x + 9.4) + (x + 16.6) = 256.1 kg.
Combining like terms, we get 3x + 26 = 256.1.
Subtracting 26 from both sides, we get 3x = 230.1.
Dividing both sides by 3, we get x = 76.7 kg.
So the weight of Rick is x = 76.7 kg.
The weight of Leonard is x + 9.4 = 76.7 + 9.4 = 86.1 kg.
The weight of Jackie is x + 16.6 = 76.7 + 16.6 = 93.3 kg.
Therefore, Rick weighs 76.7 kg, Leonard weighs 86.1 kg, and Jackie weighs 93.3 kg.