Given that the mean relative atomic mass of chlorine contain two isotopes of mass number 35 and 37,what is the percentage composition of the I sotopes of mass number 37

To find the percentage composition of the isotopes of mass number 37, we need to know the relative abundance of each isotope.

Let x be the relative abundance of the isotope with mass number 35. Since there are only two isotopes, the relative abundance of the isotope with mass number 37 would be 1 - x.

The mean relative atomic mass can be calculated using the formula:

Mean Relative Atomic Mass = (x * 35) + ((1 - x) * 37)

Given that the mean relative atomic mass of chlorine is known, we can set up the equation:

35x + 37(1 - x) = Mean Relative Atomic Mass

Let's assume that the mean relative atomic mass of chlorine is 35.5, which is an approximate value. Substituting this value into the equation:

35x + 37(1 - x) = 35.5

Simplifying the equation:

35x + 37 - 37x = 35.5
-2x = -1.5
x = -1.5 / -2
x = 0.75

Therefore, the relative abundance of the isotope with mass number 35 is 0.75.

The relative abundance of the isotope with mass number 37 can be calculated as:

1 - x = 1 - 0.75 = 0.25

The percentage composition of the isotope with mass number 37 is therefore 0.25 * 100 = 25%.