Make a graph using the measured quantities with radial distance on the x-axis and tangential velocity on the y-axis.

Radial distance= 1.85, 1.40, 1.00, 0.80, 0.60, 0.40

Tangential velocity= 1.03, 1.36, 1.91, 2.38, 3.18, 4.79

1) using your knowledge of graphs, describe the relationship between radial distance and tangential velocity.

I made a graph and my answer was that both the distance and velocity were increasing but I really do not understand. Also what is the constant for this graph? My answer was tangential velocity.

To create a graph with radial distance on the x-axis and tangential velocity on the y-axis, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Plotting the points
First, plot the measured quantities on the graph. For the given values of radial distance and tangential velocity:

Radial distance: 1.85, 1.40, 1.00, 0.80, 0.60, 0.40
Tangential velocity: 1.03, 1.36, 1.91, 2.38, 3.18, 4.79

On the x-axis, mark the values of radial distance at the corresponding points, and on the y-axis, mark the values of tangential velocity at the corresponding points.

Step 2: Connecting the points
Once you have plotted all the points, connect them in order from the smallest to the largest value of radial distance. This will help you see the relationship between the two variables.

Now, let's analyze the relationship between radial distance and tangential velocity based on the graph.

If both the radial distance and tangential velocity are increasing as you mentioned, it implies that there is a positive correlation between these two variables. In simple terms, as the radial distance increases, the tangential velocity also increases.

Regarding your question about the constant in this graph, it's essential to understand the concept of constants in relation to graphs. In this case, there is no constant because we are not dealing with a linear relationship with a fixed slope. Rather, we are looking at a relationship where the tangential velocity varies with the radial distance.

Therefore, in this graph, the tangential velocity serves as the dependent variable (y-axis), while the radial distance is the independent variable (x-axis). The graph simply represents the relationship between these two variables, showing how tangential velocity changes as the radial distance changes.