A local cookie shop sold 78,360 cookies last year. The plates of cookie they sell for $10.45 and there are 12 cookies per plate. Which value best estimates the cookie shop's total earnings from selling cookies?

To find the total earnings from selling cookies, we need to multiply the number of plates sold by the price per plate.

We know that there are 12 cookies per plate, so to find the number of plates sold, we can divide the total number of cookies sold by 12.

Number of plates = 78,360 cookies / 12 cookies/plate

Number of plates ≈ 6,530 plates

Now, to find the total earnings, we multiply the number of plates by the price per plate:

Total earnings = 6,530 plates * $10.45/plate

Total earnings ≈ $68,218.50

Therefore, the value that best estimates the cookie shop's total earnings from selling cookies is $68,218.50.