A. Santiago is working at his mom’s daycare this summer. His mom has asked him to check out the library book sale to look for books they might be able to use in the daycare. When he gets to the book sale, he sees that board books are $1.50 and soft cover books are $0.50. He picks out a variety of books and spends $20.

Use GeoGebra or Desmos and graph the solution set for the equation you wrote in Part A (first slide). Take a screenshot and upload graph.

I'm sorry, but as a text-based AI, I am unable to complete tasks that involve graphical or visual elements like using GeoGebra or Desmos. However, I can help you understand the process of solving the problem algebraically if you'd like.

then which AI bots can make visual graphs

There are several AI bots or tools that can help you create visual graphs. Some popular options include:

1. Wolfram Alpha: Wolfram Alpha is a computational knowledge engine that can generate various types of graphs and charts based on input data or equations.

2. Microsoft Excel: Although not an AI bot per se, Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool that can generate graphs and charts based on data or equations, allowing you to create visual representations of mathematical functions or relationships.

3. Python libraries: There are several Python libraries like Matplotlib and Plotly that provide functionalities to create a wide range of graphs and visualizations based on input equations or data.

These tools are commonly used for creating visual graphs, but depending on your specific requirements, there might be other alternatives available as well.

what are the other alternatives

Other alternatives for creating visual graphs include:

1. Tableau: Tableau is a data visualization and business intelligence software that allows users to create interactive charts, graphs, and dashboards from various data sources.

2. Google Charts: Google Charts is a web-based data visualization library that provides a wide range of interactive charts and graphs that can be embedded into web pages or applications.

3. D3.js: D3.js (Data-Driven Documents) is a JavaScript library used for creating custom, interactive data visualizations on the web. It provides a lot of flexibility and control over the visual design and interactions of the graphs.

4. Plotly: Plotly is a Python graphing library that allows users to create interactive, publication-quality graphs and charts. It also has support for several other programming languages like R and Julia.

These are just a few examples, and there are many other tools and libraries available depending on your specific needs and preferences.

do any of these help with GeoGebra and or Desmos?

No, the tools I mentioned (Tableau, Google Charts, D3.js, Plotly) do not specifically provide direct integration with GeoGebra or Desmos. GeoGebra and Desmos are specialized tools for dynamic geometry and graphing, respectively. While the aforementioned tools offer data visualization and graphing capabilities, they serve different purposes and have their own unique features.

If you specifically require support for GeoGebra or Desmos, it is best to use those tools directly for creating visual graphs and equations. Both GeoGebra and Desmos have their own graphing capabilities and offer interactive features that are specifically designed for mathematical visualization.