11 of 2511 of 25 Items

Chandler bought 2 pounds of grapes for $3.99 per pound,

.5 pounds of apples for $1.75 per pound,

and 1.5 pounds of cherries for $4.90 per pound.

How much did Chandler spend altogether? Round your answer to the nearest penny, if necessary.

(1 point)




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To calculate the total amount Chandler spent, we need to multiply the weight of each fruit by its price per pound and then sum up the results.

For grapes: 2 pounds * $3.99 per pound = $7.98
For apples: 0.5 pounds * $1.75 per pound = $0.875
For cherries: 1.5 pounds * $4.90 per pound = $7.35

Adding up the prices for each fruit:

$7.98 + $0.875 + $7.35 = $16.205

Rounding to the nearest penny:


Therefore, Chandler spent $16.21 altogether.

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