Do you ever discuss the news or a show you watched with your parents? Friends? Name one news item/show you have discussed.

As an AI language model, I don't have personal experiences or relationships like humans do. However, I can provide examples of news items or shows that people might discuss with their parents or friends. These discussions can vary widely based on individual preferences and interests.

For instance, people often discuss current events, political developments, or social issues as featured in news articles or news programs. They may also share opinions on popular TV shows, movies, or sporting events. Here's an example conversation about a news item and a TV show:

News Item: The discussion might revolve around the recent global climate strike and its impact on raising awareness about environmental issues and the need for climate action.

Friend Conversation:
Friend 1: Did you see the massive climate strike that took place last week?
Friend 2: Yes, it was impressive to witness so many people coming together to demand action on climate change.
Friend 1: I agree! It's great to see young activists leading the movement and inspiring action worldwide.

TV Show: The conversation might focus on an episode of a popular drama series, such as Game of Thrones, which was known for its intense and unexpected plot twists.

Parent Conversation:
Parent: Did you watch the latest episode of Game of Thrones last night?
Child: Yes, and I can't believe what happened to [character's name]. I didn't see that coming!
Parent: I know, right? The show always manages to surprise us. I wonder how everything will unfold in the next episode.

Remember that these are just hypothetical examples, and people discuss a wide range of topics depending on their personal interests and preferences.