Shen wants to earn more than $42 trimming trees. He charges $8 per hour and pays $6 in equipment fees. What are the possible numbers of hours Shen could trim trees?

Use t for the number of hours.
Write your answer as an inequality solved for t.

Let's solve this problem step by step.

First, we know that Shen wants to earn more than $42. Since he charges $8 per hour, we can express this as:
8t > 42

Next, we also know that Shen pays $6 in equipment fees for each job. So, in addition to earning more than $42, he also needs to cover the equipment fees. We can express this as:
8t - 6 > 42

Now, we can solve this inequality for t:
8t - 6 > 42
8t > 42 + 6
8t > 48

Finally, we divide both sides of the inequality by 8 to solve for t:
t > 48/8
t > 6

Therefore, the possible numbers of hours Shen could trim trees is given by the inequality:
t > 6