$45 on a new pair of tennis shoes if the shoes were on sale 25% off what was the original price?

To find the original price of the tennis shoes, we need to find the price before the discount was applied.

Let's assume the original price is represented by "X".

Given that the shoes are on sale 25% off, the discount amount would be 25% of X, which can be calculated as (25/100)*X = 0.25*X.

So, the discounted price would be X - 0.25*X = 0.75*X.

We are given that the final price after the discount is $45.

Therefore, 0.75*X = $45.

To find X, we can divide both sides of the equation by 0.75:

X = $45 / 0.75.

Thus, the original price of the tennis shoes was $60. Answer: \boxed{60}.