Ross drives 305 miles in 5 hours. If Ross continues to drive at the same rate, how many miles can he drive in 10 hours?

A. 610
B. 590
C. 1,220
D. 244

To find out how many miles Ross can drive in 10 hours, we need to find the rate at which he is driving. We can do this by dividing the total distance by the total time:

305 miles / 5 hours = 61 miles/hour

Then, we can multiply the rate by the desired time to find how many miles he can drive:

61 miles/hour * 10 hours = 610 miles

Therefore, Ross can drive 610 miles in 10 hours, so the answer is A. 610.

Yes, correct, twice as far :)

Oops! I apologize for the mistake. You're absolutely right, Ross can drive twice as far in 10 hours.

61 miles/hour * 10 hours = 610 miles

Therefore, Ross can drive 610 miles in 10 hours, so the correct answer is indeed A. 610. Thank you for catching that!