In a sequence of numbers, a3 = 0, a4= 4,a5=8,a6=12, and a7=16. Based on this information, which equation can be used to find the nth term in the sequence an

A. an=-12n+4
B. an=12n-4
C. an= 4n-12
D. an= -4n + 12

To find the equation for the nth term in the sequence, we need to find the pattern in the given sequence.

We can observe that each term is increasing by 4. So, the common difference between the terms is 4.

From this, we can say that the general form of the sequence is an = 4n + c, where c is a constant.

We can find the value of c by substituting the values given in the sequence.

a3 = 0, so substituting n = 3, we get a3 = 4(3) + c = 12 + c = 0
c = -12

Therefore, the equation for the nth term in the sequence is an = 4n - 12.

Thus, the correct answer is C. an = 4n - 12.