Create an outline of key points you would use to explain how slavery led Texas to leave the U.S. in 1861, and how slavery led to the involvement of Texas in the Civil War.

I. Introduction

A. Briefly explain the historical context of slavery in the United States
B. Introduce the key points that will be discussed in the outline

II. Impact of Slavery in Texas prior to 1861
A. Describe the significance of slavery in Texas's economy and social structure
B. Highlight the expansion of slavery in Texas during the mid-19th century
C. Discuss the pro-slavery sentiment among political leaders in Texas

III. Texas Secession from the United States in 1861
A. Explain the political and ideological factors that led Texas to consider secession
B. Discuss the role of the 1860 presidential election and the rise of the Republican Party
C. Highlight the fears among Texas slaveholders about the potential abolition of slavery

IV. Role of Slavery in Texas's Involvement in the Civil War
A. Describe the immediate impact of the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter
B. Discuss the secession convention in Texas and the decision to join the Confederacy
C. Highlight the motivations of Texans in fighting for the Confederacy, predominantly to protect slavery

V. Key Events Involving Texas during the Civil War
A. Briefly outline Texas's contributions to the Confederate war effort
B. Describe major battles and events involving Texas troops during the Civil War
C. Highlight Texas's geographical significance and how it served as a battleground

VI. Conclusion
A. Summarize the main points discussed, emphasizing the central role of slavery
B. Reiterate the impact of slavery in Texas's decision to leave the United States and their involvement in the Civil War