Margaret is making strawberry milkshakes for the kids party. The recipe calls for 2/3 of a cup of strawberry syrup to make 12 milkshakes. How many cups of strawberry syrup are needed to make 72 milkshakes.?

Select from the choices below
A. 4
B. 24
C. 5
D. 48

If 12 milkshakes require 2/3 cup of strawberry syrup, then 1 milkshake requires 2/3 x 1/12 = 2/36 = 1/18 cup of strawberry syrup.

And if 1 milkshake requires 1/18 cup of strawberry syrup, then 72 milkshakes require 1/18 x 72 = <<1/18*72=4>>4 cups of strawberry syrup.
Therefore, the answer is A. 4.