A cylinder has a diameter of 10 feet and is 2 feet tall. What is the volume of the cylinder? Use 3.14 for pi.


628 cubic feet

157 cubic feet

78.5 cubic feet

50 cubic feet

The correct response is 78.5 cubic feet. To find the volume of a cylinder, you need to use the formula V = πr^2h, where V is the volume, π is approximately 3.14, r is the radius, and h is the height.

Since the diameter is given as 10 feet, the radius (r) is half of that, which is 5 feet.
The height (h) is given as 2 feet.

Plugging these values into the formula:
V = 3.14 * 5^2 * 2
V = 3.14 * 25 * 2
V = 3.14 * 50
V ≈ 157

Therefore, the volume of the cylinder is approximately 157 cubic feet.


I'm glad I could help! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.