Sarah is making a healthy smoothie for breakfast. Her recipe includes 2 /14 cups of yogurt. Sarah wants to make 3 servings. How much yogurt does she need in total? Convert the answer to a mixed number in simplest form.

To find out how much yogurt Sarah needs in total, we need to multiply the amount of yogurt per serving by the number of servings.

Yogurt per serving: 2/14 cups
Number of servings: 3

2/14 cups * 3 servings = 6/14 cups

To simplify the fraction, we can divide both numerator and denominator by the greatest common divisor, which is 2.

6/2 = 3
14/2 = 7

Therefore, Sarah needs a total of 3/7 cups of yogurt for her smoothie.

make it a mixed number silly goose