Vie wants to make friendship bracelets to sell. She has yellow, blue, and orange beads. She wants each bracelet to have a ratio of 310 blue and 110 yellow. What would be the remaining ratio of orange beads for each bracelet? Remember to simplify your ratio/fraction

To find the remaining ratio of orange beads, we need to find the difference between the total number of beads needed for each bracelet and the number of yellow and blue beads combined.

For each bracelet, we need a total of 310 + 110 = <<310+110=420>>420 beads.

Out of the 420 beads, the ratio of blue beads is 310 and the ratio of yellow beads is 110.

So, the remaining ratio of orange beads would be 420 - 310 - 110 = <<420-310-110=0>>0.

Therefore, the remaining ratio of orange beads for each bracelet is 0.

Vie wants to make friendship bracelets to sell. She has yellow, blue, and orange beads. She wants each bracelet to have a ratio of 3/10 blue and 1/10 yellow. What would be the remaining ratio of orange beads for each bracelet? Remember to simplify your ratio/fraction

To find the remaining ratio of orange beads, we need to subtract the ratios of blue beads and yellow beads from 1.

The ratio of blue beads is 3/10, and the ratio of yellow beads is 1/10.
1 - (3/10 + 1/10) = 1 - (4/10) = 1 - 2/5 = 5/5 - 2/5 = 3/5.

Thus, the remaining ratio of orange beads for each bracelet is 3/5.

A group of people in a city decide to measure the total distance of a walking path and put up distance markers for the people who walk. On one particular day they put up markers on 78 of a mile of the way. The next day they put up markers on another 12 of a mile. What is the total distance they have completed?(1 point) of a mile