what is 4/15 plus 1/3

To add 4/15 and 1/3, we need to find a common denominator. The common denominator of 15 and 3 is 15.

Converting both fractions to have the same denominator:
4/15 = 4/15
1/3 = 5/15 (multiplied by 5/5)

Now, we can add the two fractions:
4/15 + 5/15 = 9/15

Therefore, 4/15 plus 1/3 equals 9/15.

My answers dont have that weirdly, can you simplify 9/15 please?

Certainly! To simplify 9/15, we need to find a common factor that can divide both the numerator and denominator. Since both 9 and 15 can be divided evenly by 3, we can simplify the fraction as follows:

9/15 = (9 ÷ 3) / (15 ÷ 3) = 3/5.

Therefore, 9/15 simplifies to 3/5.