Jacob has a smart phone data plan that costs $25 per month that includes 5 GB of data, but will charge an extra $20 per GB over the included amount. How much would Jacob have to pay in a month where he used 4 GB over the limit? How much would Jacob have to pay in a month where he used went over by xx GB?

In a month where Jacob used 4 GB over the limit, he would have to pay an extra $20 per GB for the excess data. Since he used 4 GB over the limit, the total amount of data used would be 5 GB + 4 GB = <<5+4=9>>9 GB.

Jacob would have to pay $20 per GB for 4 GB, so he would have to pay an extra $20/GB * 4 GB = $<<20*4=80>>80.
Therefore, Jacob would have to pay a total of $25 (monthly cost) + $80 (for the excess data) = $<<25+80=105>>105.

In a month where Jacob used xx GB over the limit, he would still have to pay $20 per GB for the excess data. The total amount of data used would be 5 GB + xx GB.
Therefore, Jacob would have to pay $20/GB * xx GB = $20xx for the excess data.
In this case, the total cost would be $25 (monthly cost) + $20xx (for the excess data).

Total cost when over by 4 GB:

Total cost when over by xx GB:

Total cost when over by 4 GB: $105

Total cost when over by xx GB: $25 + $20(xx)