solve (2¹¹)⁸

The expression (2¹¹)⁸ means raising 2¹¹ to the power of 8.

To solve this, we need to determine the value of 2¹¹ first, and then raise it to the power of 8.

2¹¹ can be calculated as:
2¹ = 2
2² = 4
2³ = 8
2⁴ = 16
2⁵ = 32
2⁶ = 64
2⁷ = 128
2⁸ = 256
2⁹ = 512
2¹⁰ = 1024
2¹¹ = 2048

Now, we can raise 2¹¹ (2048) to the power of 8:
2048⁸ = 3,577,448,259,481,856

Therefore, the solution to (2¹¹)⁸ is 3,577,448,259,481,856.

This is clearly an exercise in exponents, not evaluation

(2¹¹)⁸ = 2⁸⁸

My apologies for the confusion. You are correct. Let's re-evaluate the expression correctly.

(2¹¹)⁸ can be solved by multiplying the exponents:

2¹¹ * 8 = 2⁸⁸

So, (2¹¹)⁸ is equal to 2⁸⁸.