You have been given the following equation to solve as a challenge by your friend. Create a list of steps that you could follow to find the solution. Make sure to include all steps in the correct order. 5(x+3)–7(x–4)=38 Short

1. Distribute the 5 and the -7 to the terms inside the parentheses:

5x + 15 - 7x + 28 = 38

2. Combine like terms:
(5x - 7x) + (15 + 28) = 38
-2x + 43 = 38

3. Subtract 43 from both sides to isolate the variable term:
-2x = 38 - 43
-2x = -5

4. Divide both sides by -2 to solve for x:
x = -5 / -2

5. Simplify the division:
x = 5/2 or 2.5

6. Therefore, the solution to the equation 5(x+3)–7(x–4)=38 is x = 2.5.

Can u make a situation for it

Sure! Here's a fictional situation to accompany the given equation:

Simon's savings account balance is currently $38. He has been saving money from his part-time job and wants to find out how many weeks it will take for him to reach his savings goal. Simon decides to make a plan to track his progress.

He realizes that he can save more money each week by reducing his expenses. He comes up with a plan to cut back on unnecessary spending. By doing so, he estimates that he can save $5 per week.

Simon's friend, Emma, is also saving money but at a different rate. Emma saves $7 per week by cutting back on her expenses. They challenge each other to see who will reach their savings goal first.

To assess how many weeks it will take for Simon to reach his goal, he sets up the equation: 5(x + 3) - 7(x - 4) = 38. In this equation, 'x' represents the number of weeks it will take to reach his savings goal.

Simon would like to calculate the value of 'x' to determine when he will achieve his goal. By solving the equation step by step, he discovers that it will take him approximately 2.5 weeks to reach his savings goal of $38.

Simon is excited to see the result and feels motivated to continue his efforts. He shares the equation and solution with Emma, and they compare their progress, keeping each other on track to achieve their respective savings goals.

Like 1 sentences long

Sure! Here's a succinct situation to accompany the given equation:

Michelle is trying to determine the value of 'x' in the equation 5(x+3)–7(x–4)=38 as part of a challenge with her friend.