Given a point on a line segment (−4, 5) , what is the new point when the point is rotated counterclockwise about the origin 270 degrees?(1 point)


The new point can be found by using the rotation formula. Let (x, y) be the coordinates of the point on the line segment after rotation counterclockwise about the origin by 270 degrees.

To rotate counterclockwise by 270 degrees, we can rotate clockwise by 90 degrees.

The formula for rotating a point (x, y) clockwise by 90 degrees is:
(x', y') = (y, -x)

Plugging in the coordinates of the given point (-4, 5), we get:
(x', y') = (5, -(-4)) = (5, 4)

Therefore, the new point after rotating counterclockwise about the origin by 270 degrees is (5, 4).