Make this paragraph more understandable for a 9th grade teacher "In comparison, both Narnia and Wonderland offer escapism from the real world, allowing the characters to experience something extraordinary and transformative. However, the impacts of these other worlds differ. Narnia empowers the characters and instills them with virtues that they carry back to the real world, while Wonderland challenges Alice's understanding and helps her grow personally and intellectually. Ultimately, both other worlds have a lasting impact on the characters, shaping their perspectives and actions in the real world."

In comparison, both Narnia and Wonderland provide an escape from reality, allowing the characters to experience something amazing and life-changing. However, the effects of these different worlds are not the same. In Narnia, the characters gain confidence and learn important values that they bring with them back to the real world. On the other hand, Wonderland challenges Alice's understanding of things and helps her develop personally and intellectually. In the end, both these other worlds greatly influence the characters, shaping how they think and act in the real world.