Why is mitosis a longer and more complicated process of cell division than binary fission?(1 point) Responses Mitosis occurs in the cytoplasm and does not require a nucleus Mitosis occurs in the cytoplasm and does not require a nucleus Binary fission does not replicate DNA Binary fission does not replicate DNA Binary fission produces two identical daughter cells Binary fission produces two identical daughter cells Mitosis has check points that must be met to continue the cycle

Mitosis is a longer and more complicated process of cell division than binary fission because it involves various steps and checkpoints that need to be met in order to ensure accurate and controlled cell division. These checkpoints regulate the timing and coordination of different cell cycle events, such as DNA replication, chromosome alignment, and cell segregation. On the other hand, binary fission in prokaryotes is a simpler process where the cell simply divides into two identical daughter cells without the need for complex regulatory mechanisms.