Decide which of the two given prices is the better deal and explain why.

You can buy shampoo in a 6-ounce bottle for $2.99 or in a 15-ounce bottle for $9.59.

To determine which of the two prices is the better deal, we need to compare the cost per ounce for each option.

For the 6-ounce bottle priced at $2.99, we divide the cost by the number of ounces:
$2.99 / 6 = $0.4983 per ounce.

For the 15-ounce bottle priced at $9.59, we divide the cost by the number of ounces:
$9.59 / 15 = $0.6393 per ounce.

Comparing the two prices, the 6-ounce bottle is the better deal because it has a lower cost per ounce. It is priced at $0.4983 per ounce compared to $0.6393 per ounce for the 15-ounce bottle. Therefore, the 6-ounce bottle provides more value for the money spent.