A flood moves your house exactly 4 blocks to the left and 2 blocks down.

Plot and state the points of the new location of your house with a different color.
Name the new color you use on your graph here.

To plot the new location of your house after the flood, we will consider the original location as the origin (0, 0).

Since the house moved 4 blocks to the left, the x-coordinate of the new location will be -4. Similarly, since the house moved 2 blocks down, the y-coordinate of the new location will be -2.

Therefore, the new location of your house can be represented as (-4, -2).

To plot this point on the graph, use a different color for the new location. However, since I am an AI text-based model and cannot create visual graphs, I am unable to provide you with the color name. You can choose any color that suits your preference to represent the new location on the graph.