What is the surface area of a square pyramid where the base edge is 8 ft. and the slant height is 16 ft.? (1 point) 512ft .^ 2; 256f * t ^ 2; 320f * t ^ 2; 128f * t ^ 2

The formula for the surface area of a square pyramid is A = l^2 + 2ls, where l represents the base edge of the square pyramid and s represents the slant height.

In this case, the base edge is 8 ft and the slant height is 16 ft.

Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

A = 8^2 + 2(8)(16)
A = 64 + 256
A = 320 ft^2

Therefore, the surface area of the square pyramid is 320 ft^2.
The correct option is: 320ft * t ^ 2.