Look at your data from Experiment 4, how do the Total Momentum values for initial and final compare?

Total Initial Momentum = 0.60 kg*m/s

Total Final Momentum = 0.60 kg*m/s

explain the comparison

In Experiment 4, the Total Initial Momentum and the Total Final Momentum values are both 0.60 kg*m/s. This means that the total momentum before the event or collision is equal to the total momentum after the event or collision.

This observation aligns with the law of conservation of momentum, which states that the total momentum of a system remains constant if no external forces act on it. In this case, since the initial and final total momenta are the same, it implies that there were no external forces acting on the system during the experiment.

This comparison suggests that the system under investigation in Experiment 4 is isolated, with no external forces influencing it. It confirms the conservation of momentum principle and indicates that the system's total momentum is conserved throughout the experiment.