Andre came up with the following puzzle “I am three years younger than my brother and I am 2 years older than my sister. My moms age is one less than three times my brothers age. When you add all our ages you get 87. What are our ages?

Let's solve the puzzle step by step.

Let's say the age of Andre's brother is x years.
According to the puzzle, Andre is three years younger than his brother, so Andre's age is (x - 3) years.
Andre is also two years older than his sister, so Andre's sister's age is (x - 3) - 2 = (x - 5) years.
Andre's mom's age is one less than three times Andre's brother's age, so Andre's mom's age is (3x - 1) years.
The sum of their ages is given as 87, so we can write the equation as:
x + (x - 3) + (x - 5) + (3x - 1) = 87
Combining like terms, we have:
6x - 9 = 87
Adding 9 to both sides of the equation, we get:
6x = 96
Dividing both sides by 6, we find:
x = 16
Therefore, Andre's brother's age is 16 years.
Andre's age is (16 - 3) = 13 years.
Andre's sister's age is (16 - 5) = 11 years.
Andre's mom's age is (3 * 16 - 1) = 47 years.
So, Andre is 13 years old, his brother is 16 years old, his sister is 11 years old, and his mom is 47 years old.