ginger was asked to solvr 25x^2 - 196 = 0 by factoring using the difference of square pattern. What is /are the correct solutions

To solve the equation 25x^2 - 196 = 0 using the difference of squares pattern, we first need to rewrite the equation in the form (a^2 - b^2) = 0.

The square root of 25x^2 is 5x, and the square root of 196 is 14. Therefore, we can rewrite the equation as follows:

(5x)^2 - 14^2 = 0

Using the difference of squares pattern, we can factor the equation as follows:

(5x + 14)(5x - 14) = 0

Now, we set each factor equal to zero and solve for x:

5x + 14 = 0
5x = -14
x = -14/5


5x - 14 = 0
5x = 14
x = 14/5

So the correct solutions are x = -14/5 and x = 14/5.